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Ultrasonic Unit


Application device for disinfecting vehicle air conditioners.

RETECH Ultrasonic Unit is a mobile application device designed to apply the RETECH Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution biocide, ensuring excellent vehicle air conditioner disinfection. Using ultrasonic technology, the device turns the RETECH Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution fluid into ultra fine particles via vibrations and blows them into the vehicle’s suction air ducts using a built-in fan. This efficiently spreads the RETECH Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution biocide into all interior ducts and heat exchangers where harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, moulds, fungi, yeast) thrive.

  • Application time – 18 minutes
  • Can be plugged into a 12 V car socket
  • Suitable for all vehicle types
Ultrasonic Unit

ProductPackingSizeOrder No.
Ultrasonic Adapter-11 34065

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